Monday, April 20, 2009

Newest Gameshow.

Start up the freezer, there's something that needs to be frozen, because I feel like it is fucking melting and it won't go away, which I don't mind too much, because I kind of want it to stay.
Forget his warmth. Forget the promise. Forget the six months I kept him waiting, because there is an intruder approaching. Something from another world that totally just blew our entire minds right into a brilliant and intricate catastrophe.
Pretty, isn't it?
As the purple wallpaper peels off, for one single moment I hear myself say 'I'll be okay', and I almost believe it. We all almost believe it, until that mental photograph throws your heart in the blender, alongside nostalgic memories.
"Oh, I'm so terribly sorry, ma'am, would you like a little more tea? It will put you straight back to sleep and you won't feel a thing, savvy?"
Yes. Yes. Yes.
And then, yet another lingers somewhere in my intestines, deep down and writhing like an illness, but getting weaker and more distant every day. And for the final drop of lavendar, how about me sprinkle a dash of FRESH mixed spice across? "Because you don't want the same old batch of ingredients, need something new to excite your batty little mind, right you are, chap!"
Yes. Yes. Yes.
"Give me a little more of that drug, pray, what do you call it? Some sort of in thing with the kids these days, amirite? Ah, back in the day..."
Quickly, call the security, we're having a mild case of violence and disruptive behaviour. Something is going rattle-rattle-bang-pop down in the cellar.
Pretty, isn't it?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
"Oh, dear fuck, by the end of it, little by little Mr. M4th5 is totally killing of each of the other contestants! How rude, you mystery man! This is simply unjust, we'll have none of that, not until Miss Fuckedin-Thehead here decides what the bloody hell it is that's tugging. Tug-tug-tug, well then, mysery man, I guess you might as well win, since we don't want the woman to get a prize, right chap?"
So, Mister Original, how do you feel about this? Fine, not a care in the world, only slightly surprised and feeling slightly put-off.
Oh, and Mister Warmth, what of you? Fine, aside from the fact this here is a broken promise, but I know we're still good ol' mates, if I know what that is?
Well then, Mister N00b? Eh? Who is this chick? I mean, does anybody know 'er?
So, I suppose it is your turn, Mr. Maths. What are your thoughts?
We're sorry, mister mystery can not be predicted.
Thankyou, see you next time. Goodnight.


  1. "Start up the freezer, there's something that needs to be frozen, because I feel like it is fucking melting and it won't go away, which I don't mind too much, because I kind of want it to stay."

    You broke me.
    (probably because i read your blog before i had my morning cigarette... my synapses must be gunked up with the pale green nitrous chalk from the night before, still.)

    Who are these people?

  2. Heh. This is amusing to me.
    Also somewhat embarrassing. I like the 'does anybody know her' comment, tho. I feel it.
